Friday, December 2, 2011

Be Beautiful!

Isn't Allah's creation just beautiful? I LOVE to look at nature and to walk through it. To see the mountains,oceans,forest,waterfalls and I could go on and on.
There is a quote in the book I am reading right now(You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World) that I would like to share with you.....

"Be beautiful and you will see the world beautiful."

InshaAllah you will carry this quote with you through your next week. Don't focus on the negative focus on what Allah has given to us and all the blessings He has given and allowed for us to enjoy. Life has enough bad things in it and there are times we need to focus on something that may not be very pleasant so that we can solve a problem but then, we can turn on our eyes and focus, for a bit, on something beautiful. Listening to the morning birds sing their songs and the ocean waves or a beautiful waterfall as it hits the rocks. There are so many things we can enjoy but don't because we have "things" to do. Allow your eyes to be beautiful so that you may see the beauty around you. :) InshaAllah everyone will enjoy their week. Ameen!

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